Problems we solve for companies with suppy chain Challanges
Why do companies face supply chain challenges? The challenges could be because of their planning maturity, data quality issues, or over-engineered systems. The challenges could also be demand forecasting or supply chain planning. They could be inventory and allocation issues. Finally, the challenges could also be no visibility into the supply chain across the network and poor material movement workflows.
Demand Forecasting Issues
Are you struggling with supply chain planning because of demand forecasting issues? Can’t forecast right and that drives overstocking of the inventory? KANO can help when companies struggle with demand forecasting issues.
Supply Planning Issues
Your demand planning is OK but can never expect supply on time because of supply chain issues and vendor reliability? Does the supply planning require substantial manipulations on spreadsheets? KANO can help when companies need help with supply planning.
Masalah Inventaris dan Alokasi
No visibility into 20% of the inventory and often need to reconcile based on GL? Struggling with firefighting because the inventory reserved for key customers may not be available? KANO can help with inventory and allocation issues.
Ad-Hoc Processes To Ensure Timely Supply
Struggling to manage the international inventory? No visibility or tracking when the inventory might be sitting on a container? Always making ad-hoc adjustments to your MRP-generated plan to ensure supply? KANO can help companies when they might require ad-hoc processes to ensure timely supply.
Inventory Overstocking Because Of Broken MRP Processes
BOMs set up as make-to-order when your processes could easily be make-to-stock? Current plan requires significant overstocking to meet the demand? Never tracked inventory turns? KANO can help with inventory overstocking because of the broken MRP processes.
No Quality Data From Suppliers And Customers
Not getting quality data from suppliers and customers? The data is up to 50% off with the actual demand and requires substantial adjustment in the forecast before the system can use it. KANO can help when companies are not able to plan because of poor-quality data from suppliers and customers.