Konsultan KANO memiliki keahlian mendalam dalam membantu perusahaan dengan metodologi terstruktur untuk menyelesaikan masalah perencanaan rantai pasokan. Perusahaan yang mungkin menghadapi tantangan rantai pasokan sering kali bergelut dengan masalah inventaris, tantangan perkiraan permintaan, masalah pasokan, dan tantangan perencanaan S&OP.
Apakah masalah perencanaan rantai pasok Anda terutama terkait dengan perkiraan permintaan? Tidak tahu mengapa perkiraan permintaan Anda selalu salah? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan dalam meningkatkan perkiraan permintaan.
Apakah permasalahan perencanaan rantai pasok Anda terutama terkait dengan pasokan? Proses vendor menyebabkan masalah rantai pasokan? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan dalam perencanaan pasokan.
Kematangan perencanaan MRP menyebabkan tantangan rantai pasokan? Tidak yakin dengan tingkat kematangan perencanaan MRP Anda? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan mengenai kerangka dan kematangan perencanaan MRP.
Masalah perencanaan rantai pasokan terutama disebabkan oleh proses akuisisi data yang buruk? Data yang buruk karena input manual menyebabkan masalah rantai pasokan? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan untuk meningkatkan proses akuisisi data.
Kontrol proses yang buruk menyebabkan masalah kualitas data? Kontrol proses yang ada tidak cukup untuk mendapatkan data berkualitas? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan mengenai kontrol proses yang unggul.
Integrasi sistem yang lemah menyebabkan masalah kualitas data? Isolasi data karena integrasi yang buruk menyebabkan masalah kualitas data? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan dengan integrasi sistem yang lebih erat.
KANO offers several services to help with this challenge, such as supply chain and operations transformation, supply chain technology architecture, supply chain software selection, sales and operations planning, inventory, warehouse, and logistics optimization.
Our Supply Chain and Operations Transformation services start with an assessment of the current pain points with the current systems and existing supply chain processes, metrics, and technologies. The assessment results in building high-level as-is and to-be processes and change management and process reengineering recommendations. Depending upon the changes required, the changes could be as small as a process or data changes. Or a complete process and technology transformation.
This service helps build supply chain technology architecture depending upon the number of systems involved in different areas of supply chain planning such as S&OP, TMS, WMS, OMS, or FMS. This service ensures the process boundaries of different systems, including master data governance workflows, and how all the systems would work together to deliver on the process and planning goals as per desired KPIs.
This service helps in selecting different supply chain software, including buy vs. build decisions. The process starts with setting clear boundaries of the process and interaction flow for the desired component, then building requirement and solution matrix to evaluate different solutions, including RFP development, vendor negotiations, and the voting process for the selection.
This service helps in optimizing sales and operations, whether your current issues might be related to demand forecasting, supply planning, or transportation planning. The service starts with the analysis and assessment of your current KPI and issues, followed by a root cause analysis, and then finally, a systemic change approach, whether the changes may be related to the processes or dat
This service helps with inventory, warehousing, and logistics optimization whether you are struggling with inventory excess and obsolescence issues, or whether you are trying to improve any KPIs such as dock-to-stock ratio or inventory turns. This service takes a comprehensive approach to analyzing your current warehouse design, material flow, and network design. And finally recommends any changes, whether they might be system or process related to meet the efficiency goals.
This service helps in designing the network when you might either be 3PL or need a complete supply chain traceability across carriers. As each shipment moves through each movement, your traceability challenges could be figuring out how you might be able to optimize the container space and revenue. As well as building the Supply Chain control tower.
Senin-Jumat: 09.00-17.00 WIB
PT KANO Nusantara Otomasi (KANO) Intiland Tower Suite Level 3, Jl.Panglima Sudirman Kav. 101 Surabaya - Jawa Timur
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