Failed Digital Transformation Implementation

Kami Membantu Perusahaan yang Gagal dalam Implementasi Transformasi Digital



Konsultan KANO memiliki keahlian mendalam dalam membantu perusahaan dengan metodologi terstruktur untuk memulihkan proyek ERP, transformasi digital, dan eCommerce yang gagal dengan menghilangkan rekayasa proses yang berlebihan dan menyelaraskan data master dan arsitektur perusahaan.

Analisis Akar Penyebab Permasalahan yang Menyebabkan Tantangan Implementasi

Tidak yakin apa yang menyebabkan kegagalan implementasi? Pernahkah Anda mencoba pengaturan ad-hoc di masa lalu, namun masalah implementasi masih belum terselesaikan? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan untuk melakukan analisis akar penyebab kegagalan implementasi.

Rekayasa Ulang Proses Untuk Menghapus Proses yang Membengkak yang Menyebabkan Masalah Implementasi

Processes overengineered because of poorly designed systems and processes? Exploring new systems but wondering what if even the new system implementation may have the same issues. Companies seek help from KANO when they need help with process re-engineering.

Meningkatkan Arus Interaksi Berbagai Sistem

Tidak tahu apakah masalah implementasi mungkin disebabkan oleh alur interaksi sistem yang tidak terpetakan dengan baik? Tidak perlu mengoptimalkan alur integrasi API dari sistem yang berbeda? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan dalam membangun alur interaksi sistem yang berbeda.

Menyelaraskan Arsitektur Perusahaan Untuk Mendefinisikan Ulang Tanggung Jawab Sistem yang Berbeda

Tidak memiliki arsitektur yang pasti dan tidak yakin bagaimana memulai proses membangun arsitektur perusahaan yang akan menyelesaikan masalah implementasi? Bahkan tidak yakin apakah arsitektur perusahaan diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah implementasi? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan untuk mendefinisikan arsitektur perusahaan.

Mengoptimalkan Kerangka Tata Kelola Data Induk

Tidak punya pengalaman mengoptimalkan kerangka tata kelola data utama yang akan menyelesaikan masalah implementasi? Tidak yakin bagaimana kerangka tata kelola data utama dapat menyebabkan masalah implementasi? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika mereka membutuhkan bantuan terkait tata kelola data master.

Mengganti Sistem yang Berlebihan Menyebabkan Masalah Implementasi

Tidak dapat membuat kerangka terstruktur untuk menentukan apakah sistem yang berlebihan perlu diganti? Tidak memiliki akses terhadap kerangka terstruktur untuk membantu memecahkan masalah kegagalan implementasi? Perusahaan mencari bantuan dari KANO ketika membutuhkan bantuan dalam proses seleksi yang terstruktur.

Layanan Kami Untuk

Failed Digital Transformation Implementation


KANO  offers several services to help with this challenge, such as solution and enterprise architecture design, data architecture and governance strategy, business process re-engineering, business process documentation, and change/project management.

Solution And Enterprise Architecture Design

This service helps in designing the enterprise architecture, such as identifying the roles and responsibilities of different components. As well as process boundaries and sources of authority of different datasets.

Data Architecture And Governance Strategy

These services help with the data architecture and governance strategy, such as identifying the role and responsibilities of different data sets, their interaction with different systems, as well as how each system will augment the datasets.

Business Process Re-Engineering

Our business process re-engineering services are especially helpful for companies that might be outgrowing non-standard, heavily customized, or legacy ERP systems. Our process of re-engineering services starts with an assessment, with a thorough analysis of current data and systems, followed by a site visit and interviews with stakeholders. Once the changes are identified and agreed upon, as-is and to-be models are built, along with the training and governance materials that teams can use.

Business Process Improvement

This service helps in hitting a specific KPI such as the amount of waste, inventory turns, or demand forecast accuracy. Through the root cause analysis of current data and processes, an as-is and to-be plan is built. Using an MVP approach, an initial pilot is created to understand the impact of the change, followed by continuous monitoring and improvement.

Business Process Documentation

This process helps reverse engineering the processes deeply buried in business systems. This exercise is helpful for companies that are building operational capacity plans for the next phase of their growth. The process is then followed by the to-be process models, comparing the changes and investment that would be required to grow to the next inflection point.

Change And Project Management

This service helps in managing any transformation initiative, whether you are making process or system changes. The change process has three major steps preparing for change, managing change, and reinforcing change. Each of these steps has a deliverable, such as a business case, implementation roadmap, training plan, engagement model, and change governance plan.
