When They Need Help With Data Architecture And Governance Strategy?
Not sure how information architecture intersects with the operating system architecture? Curious about data science but not getting results because of data quality? Internal developers don’t have enough background in setting clear boundaries for data and operational architecture? KANO data architecture and governance strategy services are designed to help companies when they struggle with these challenges.
Data Quality Issues
Current processes and controls not sufficient to provide quality data? The inputs from vendors and customers driving data quality issues? The external data sources driving data quality issues? Companies seek help from KANO when they might have limited experience with data quality issues with their enterprise architecture.
Master Data Governance Issues
No defined master data strategy? No governance processes for master data control? Too strict processes causing delays with account approval or cash collection? Companies seek help from KANO when they need help with master data governance issues.
Planning Issues Because Of Data Quality
Supply chain planning not working because of data quality issues? Significant issues with demand forecasting? Issues with inventory stockouts and overstocking? Companies seek help from KANO when they need help resolving planning issues because of data quality.
Getting Data From ERP Too Expensive
Each report from ERP costing you thousands of dollars? ERP consultants taking forever to get data out of ERP systems? Consultants charging too much to get quality data from the system? Companies seek help from KANO when getting data from ERP becomes too expensive for them.
Businesses Struggling To Get Data Timely
Business users struggling to get data from the IT teams timely? IT teams taking forever to get data from the system? Significant roundtrips required to get quality data from the system? Companies seek help from KANO when they struggle to get data timely from their IT teams.
Data Quality Driving Process Issues
Data quality issues driving process hijacking? Business users taking data and performing significant manipulations in the spreadsheets to accommodate ad-hoc process issues? Processes feel all over the place because of quality issues. Companies seek help from KANO when their data quality might be driving process issues.
Our Methodology For Data Architecture And Governance Strategy
The process starts with an assessment of current data issues. What are the challenges with current data? Are the issues due to the underlying streams of data? Or due to architectural and process issues? Depending upon the root cause of the issues, an appropriate strategy and roadmap is developed along with master data governance processes.
Step 1: Assessment
This phase performs a quick analysis to pinpoint the root cause and potential options with their pros and cons. The analysis is done through a series of demonstrations, workshops, and analysis.
Step 2: Detailed Analysis
This phase takes a much deeper dive into the potential options identified in step 1 and plans out a strategy that could include changes in the process, data cleaning exercises, and system replacement.
Step 3: Governance Model And Plan
This is a collaborative phase that builds a plan for the governance model that could include any process changes for the necessary controls, user training, and policies & procedures for ongoing compliance.
Step 4: Implementation
Depending on the changes required, the length of this phase would vary. This phase would be a series of biweekly sprints that will go through structured changes across systems and processes to enable these changes.
Step 5: Optimization
This step focuses on any improvements that can be made after implementing the changes. The phase monitors any deviations from original policies and makes further arrangements to ensure data quality.